Data Types for HR Business Partners

Related terms: HR analytics, HR metrics, People analytics, Workforce data, Data-driven
  • Enhancing data literacy
  • Improving informed decisions
  • Identifying data sources
  • Answering key business questions
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Downloads 857 downloads Type Guide Publication date May 17, 2024 Topics Business PartneringPeople Analytics

For an HR business partner (HRBP), data is critical to inform decision making, understand the business, and address employee needs.
This guide helps HRBPs understand the data relevant role, the sources of this data, and questions the data types can answer, including these points:

  • Employee data
  • Performance metrics
  • Recruitment and hiring data
  • Compensation data
  • Employment engagement data
  • Technology use data
  • Risk and compliance data
  • Strategic business data
  • Creating meaning from data

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